
Showing posts from September, 2020


TEA LOVE Why tea is so popular and why we like it so much. Tea is very popular but why the whole world drinks it. It is believed that tea was introduced from China. And it's popular lots all over the world. Tea comes in a variety of colors, flavors, and is a daily drink. All countries love to drink tea and coffee. It is cultivated in China, India, Kenya, Sri Lanka, Iran, Argentina, Japan, etc. Tea and some types of green tea. The biggest advantage of green tea? The difference between green and black tea results from the production process. Black tea undergoes radioactivity which converts its color and odor, while green tea is removed and retains its color. Green tea grows at higher altitudes, especially in the highlands of East Asia. Some green teas are still picked by hand, and it is less bitter than handpicked teas and gives a sweeter, stronger flavor. Other factors such as climate and soil can also affect the taste.  the most popular green tea in Japan. There are many grades tha

Growth of e-commerce markets

              Growth of e-commerce markets   E-commerce websites  Now almost all the necessary things are bought from . Available sitting at home. It is expected that e-commerce will grow further in the near future.  Now everything is connected to the internet and shopping, marketing, books, everything else is being sold online and people are buying it.  And various big companies are doing good business by it. Now trade is not only in the country but also abroad.  In many ways, it has become very popular. It has become a very good industry to meet the needs of the people. The Indian E-commerce market is expected to grow to US$ 200 billion by 2026 from US$ 38.5 billion as of 2017. ... India's E-commerce revenue is expected to jump from US$ 39 billion in 2017 to US$ 120 billion in 2020, growing at an annual rate of 51 percent, the highest in the world.  The global e-commerce market size was estimated at USD 9,093.6 billion in 2019 and is expected to reach USD 10,361.0 billion in 2020

In few years the bicycle will be used more

  In a few years, the bicycle will be used more? why bicycle using more in the upcoming future. the most reason global warming and it's very good for exercise. and it's very helpful for the upcoming future. Tomorrow  will run out of gas and petroleum and minerals because it's limited of use . and we can use the bicycle. it's eco-friendly for our the earth and good for everything. bicycle invention was to the 19th century. now google employees used the bicycle.  the prime minister of the Netherlands chooses to travel into his office by bicycle.  many people all over the country using the bicycle for his work. What we can keep for the next generation is gas , petrol, diesel is it possible can we save ?? . I know who will the answer. Do you know?  the answer is we.  Cycling requires no gasoline and, therefore, no harmful vehicle emissions or smog are released into the air when a person is riding his or her bicycle. Opting to use your bicycle a few times a week, instead of

Smart phone

  We use daily on your smartphone. it has become a very important thing. now has become of parts of our life.  the smartphone has made our life easier. everything is easy right now for the smartphone. now banking, shopping, ticket booking, bill pay, recharge, and more is easy. now manufacture company phone is made according to the need of the people. this is a very good thing. every information we have right now and just only in one click. it has changed our lifestyle and we are connected to the world. we stay at home know to every information into only one click. but every successful invention has two types of use and abuse we know it. now mobile applications developed by many companies. we are lived in age of internet. applications made according to need. and now a very popular smartphone is android and iPhone. the worldwide most popular smartphone is IOS and OS.  smartphone bad effects:    Cell phones emit low levels of non-ionizing radiation when in use. The type of radiation emitt

How many important of health

  importance of health:-     you should have a daily workout. and healthy food do you eat and you should 7 to 8 hours will sleep for your health. early wake up in the morning and right time go for sleeping.  keep calm and think positively. you should eat vegetables and fruit that's is very healthy. so Enjoy your life with your family, friends, relative. because you fill relax and good. It takes your mental health that important of your healthy life. so health is wealth and you should discipline for your health and it's related to your work, study, and more.  mentioning some foods for you :                                                     Banana                                                            Orange                                                   Egg                                                         Nuts & Seeds                                                        Meat                                                       Grains.                     

in the future, it may of AI?

                                                                                               AI? NOW AGE OF artificial intelligence.  NOW AGE OF artificial intelligence. so 20 years ago we could imagine only for artificial intelligence. now it's not only for imagine. the upcoming feature will be the reality of the age of AI. but now the question is it's really helpful for us?. but we don't have the right information about AI. how will that's working but many scientists told about AI is human and AI war will be. but is really true?. there has much confusion but as a future, this is reality maybe. if we can have really done it that changing the future. It will be the effect on everywhere work, lifestyle, education, medical, war, and scientific. sounds very good but everything has a cause and effect. we should not forget it so everything has a good and bad effect. we are waiting for our vision. every good invention came has a new problem but both sides we can see.  I thi

Internet helpful today

  Each of us uses the internet. and without the internet, we are not able to communicate in the world. so most popular and very important things in our life so world wide. now education, health, lifestyle, work, and many more have on the internet. every information has on the internet and many contents available on the internet. now lockdown and we are don't go anywhere.  we have information now all over the world for the internet. and it's very helpful for us. so work from home is possible only for the internet. and communication with friends, family, relatives is possible for only the internet from home. very helpful for students of education. we shall overcome one day this pandemic and we will be back the normal life. we should believe in ourselves.