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In few years the bicycle will be used more

  In a few years, the bicycle will be used more? why bicycle using more in the upcoming future. the most reason global warming and it's very good for exercise. and it's very helpful for the upcoming future. Tomorrow  will run out of gas and petroleum and minerals because it's limited of use . and we can use the bicycle. it's eco-friendly for our the earth and good for everything. bicycle invention was to the 19th century. now google employees used the bicycle.  the prime minister of the Netherlands chooses to travel into his office by bicycle.  many people all over the country using the bicycle for his work. What we can keep for the next generation is gas , petrol, diesel is it possible can we save ?? . I know who will the answer. Do you know?  the answer is we.  Cycling requires no gasoline and, therefore, no harmful vehicle emissions or smog are released into the air when a person is riding his or her bicycle. Opting to use your bicycle a few times a week, instead of