
Showing posts with the label beautiful topic


One beautiful night there is no darkness around, just seeing some light on the street, I don't know what kind of light it is. It means that something is going to happen but if you look at it very well, it is understood that it is a beautiful romantic time. Yes, it is very difficult to say that someone is not needed for him, but if you think that someone is needed to share your feelings, it could be your girlfriend or your friend. Anyway, the last night of the day is now just the time to end the exhaustion of the whole day. Now it's time to go to the dream country. Thousands of engagements are now over as if half death is not all calm and all suffering is over. Tomorrow will come again, many more new life's problems, I know what tomorrow will be like. There will be a new day, a new complexity, a hope, a dream, a lot more.

ONE DAY Morning

A beautiful day that is a lot like a dream. Finding some time through a bad time and feeling that time. Time seems a little romantic. It seems like this time it stops. It's as if I found something else in another world. Yes maybe It is a true fantasy but very beautiful. It cannot be described in words. Each morning a new one arrives and it is really beautiful  Early mornings and their sunrise is quite special. You have to learn to appreciate them. You often forget what it’s like to wake up early and just sit back and enjoy the moment of the fresh start of the day. A beautiful morning in two lines- Faint chirping of birds…..golden rays of sunshine…. dewdrops over green grass….all signify a new inning. A beautiful morning tells… various beautiful ways…that every day of our life is a new beginning.  You're sitting on top of the world, you look around and all you can see are blue skies and sunshine. Those days don't come around all the time but when they do you tak