Smart phone


We use daily on your smartphone. it has become a very important thing. now has become of parts of our life.

 the smartphone has made our life easier. everything is easy right now for the smartphone. now banking, shopping, ticket booking, bill pay, recharge, and more is easy. now manufacture company phone is made according to the need of the people. this is a very good thing. every information we have right now and just only in one click. it has changed our lifestyle and we are connected to the world. we stay at home know to every information into only one click. but every successful invention has two types of use and abuse we know it. now mobile applications developed by many companies. we are lived in age of internet. applications made according to need. and now a very popular smartphone is android and iPhone. the worldwide most popular smartphone is IOS and OS. 

smartphone bad effects: 

 Cell phones emit low levels of non-ionizing radiation when in use. The type of radiation emitted by cell phones is also referred to as radio frequency (RF) energy. As stated by the National Cancer Institute, "there is currently no consistent evidence that non-ionizing radiation increases cancer risk in humans.

The antennas contained in mobile phones, including smartphones, emit radiofrequency radiation; the parts of the head or body nearest to the antenna can absorb this energy and convert it to heat.

My Solutions For Lowering Your EMF Pollution Exposure:

1.Buy an EMF protection cell phone case.
2.Avoid body contact with your cell phone and computer.
3.Get grounded. 
4.Use healing crystals.
5.Create a low-EMF sanctuary. 
6.Remove smart meters. ...
7.Spend more time with people and in nature.


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